First things FIRST. It's all about Jesus. 

Over and over, even in our relatively short history as a church, God has made a way where there was no way. Today, we face a new challenge, and we believe that He’s not done with us yet. Far from it. Coming out of a global pandemic, with record numbers of people coming to faith, being baptized, and journeying together at Emergence, there has never been a more urgent need for us to move boldly and to trust completely. The opportunity is in front of us to, once again, see Him move powerfully to draw more people to Himself.

That’s why we are embarking on a season in our church unlike any other – one that will require openness to God working deeply in us and through us, in new levels of faith and generosity. This two-year season of allowing God to challenge our hearts and reorient all things to place Him FIRST is an exciting time, and you're invited into it.God gave us His FIRST and best in His Son, Jesus. The question is: will we give our FIRST and best to Him?
ONE of the most important things the Gospel compels us to is
generosity. Jesus did not withhold generosity at the cross, and we respond by not withholding from Him. He was first, He went first, and all things are by Him, for Him, through Him and to Him.

In the letter to the Colossian Christians, Paul lays out the great passage of Christ’s preeminence - the reality that in all things Christ is first - in creation, in resurrection, in position, in salvation, in all things... Christ is first. The question we want God to challenge and change us with as a church over the next two years is this: is Christ first in my life? How does that reality change how I live, how I spend, and save, and give.

We pray that Christ would so be so primary in our lives, and greater than everything else, that we could boast like Paul to the Christians in Philippi:

"What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ" - Philippians 3:8

Can you imagine what it would do in each of us if we were reoriented to put Christ first in all things? It will require you to sacrifice time, comfort, resources, certainty, and other “life as usual” things to invest in eternal things that never fade.

We pray every person who calls Emergence Church home will make a commitment that will have kingdom impact for generations to come. Our prayer is that this season will invigorate our faith and be used powerfully to advance the Gospel in North Jersey, and the world.
Ryan Baitzel
Lead Pastor

Make your commitment today.

We want every single person to take their next right step in discipleship and generosity through FIRST.
It’s not too late to join us. If you’d like to learn more please click on the commit button here.


100% engagement

We long to see 100 % of people who call Emergence hime grow in discipleship and generosity and provide for the expansion of ministry in these key areas:

New 2-Year FIRST Goal: $15M

(Expanded from $13.7M)

*The anticipated cost of  the full expansion project is estimated to be $13M - $15M above operating expenses. This first phase will provide $5.8M toward the funding, while financing will be secured for the remainder of these initial projects.


$9.2 Million
Over two years
Provide the operating expenses for continued advancement of the ongoing ministry of Emergence


$3.8 Million
Over two two years
Provide the initial funding for the building of a new 1100-1200 seat auditorium to make space for Gospel proclamation.


$2 Million
Over two years
Provide the funding for a newly constructed Kids ministry space to accommodate the current and future growth of the youngest Emergence attenders.